Brian Bremer
Registered Users
Join Date: Jun 2014
Location: Illinois
Post Blade 230s Hint's and Tip's
Vibration or Yaw drift;
If you see any vibrations in the model or experience any yaw drift in a hover then chances are the battery was strapped to tightly to the airframe. If the battery is strapped to tightly this helps to build up a resonance in the overall system that leads to yaw drift and horrible vibration in flight.
If you experience a vibration or yaw drift issue then simply loosen up the battery strap and try again. The difference is surprising considering the trivial change.
Swash plate drift;
The swash plate slow drift in stability mode is normal, this is how SAFE works. The severity of the drift will depend on how far the model is off from level. Please do not try to adjust trims to minimize this as this will only cause the agility flight modes to drift as well.
As the model spools up and begins to lift off the system will position the swash plate in the necessary position.
The Roll, Pitch and Yaw neutral positions are memorized during initialization so using the transmitter trim adjustments are unnecessary.
Checking that the swash plate is level;
Simply follow the procedure outlined in the product manual (page 14, Servo Adjustment Mode). Once you have entered the adjustment mode the servos will be in the neutral position and the flight controller will be disabled so the helicopter can be moved around.
The back two servo arms should be parallel to the servo case and the front arm should be parallel with the back two servo arms.
Verify that the swash plate is level. Fold both main blades back and if the tips of the blades line up with each other as you slowly rotate the head 360 degrees. If the main blade tips remained aligned with each other then your swash is level and the swash is at the proper height to have 0 degrees of collective at center stick.
To exit servo adjustment mode simply hold the panic button down for 4 seconds and the servos will jump to indicate the values have been saved.
Trim Flight;
When the model is hovering in calm conditions no more than 1/8th of the total throw of stick movement should be necessary to hold the model level. Please notice I said level as opposed to stationary, the model may translate in the same direction as the wind when the model is level.
Stronger winds will require more correction on the stick to keep the model still, and you will notice that the model is no longer level as well.
If you feel like you have to hold a lot of cyclic in the model to keep the model level in calm conditions then a trim flight is the next step. Please follow the Trim flight instructions in the Blade 230s Advanced Settings addendum below;
The trim flight procedure is down below the Gain Parameter Section and the Servo Adjustment Mode.
Generally it takes approximate one minute of flight to collect the proper data. If you own a spektrum telemetry enabled transmitter you can go to the flight log screen and the "H: xx" value is the # of seconds of good data that has been captured.
Personal Preference Adjustments;
We aim for a good balance on the initial out of box setup but the fact is everyone likes things a little different than others. If you have a computer based transmitter please feel free to make adjustments to the End Points, Expo and Dual Rates to match your preferences.
Just some quick notes;
a) I want more collective, raise collective channel Travel in transmitter
b) I want less collective, lower collective channel Travel in transmitter
c) Its to sensitive but the total rate is acceptable, add expo
d) its to soft but the total rate is acceptable, reduce expo
e) I want it to flip faster, raise AIL and ELE Dual Rates (much more than 120% just starts to increase drag and not the rate, this is where you need lighter less stable blades). If you are at higher altitude densities you will get away with larger values.
f) I want it to flip slower, lower AIL and ELE Dual Rates
g) Speed up the yaw rate by raising the RUD Dual Rates
h) Slow the yaw rate down by lowering the RUD Dual Rates
Brian Bremer
Horizon Hobby, Inc.
Last edited by Brian Bremer; 09-02-2015 at 04:24 PM..