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Vecchio 08 marzo 07, 11:23   #16 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di ChristianT
Data registr.: 26-09-2006
Residenza: Folgaria (Trento)
Messaggi: 611
Mi son messo a spulciare un pò di info....
Come pensavo qui fanno vedere un assorbimento di 40A per 777W... Mi sembra onesto visto il suo peso...
Allego anche un commento trovato in (ci sono ben 34 pagine di commenti).

Another think that people are talking less about, but I think is very important, is flighttime. My TREX600 on 6S is only getting about 5 minutes per charge. This is with some quite expensive packs. My E-Raptor on 10S 4000mA is getting around 7-8 minutes with VERY expensive packs. The swift flew about 6 on quite cheap packs, as I used emoli´s on it, this is OK. The Hurricane, on a 5S 4200mA pack, totally stock could fly for more then 15 minutes. Ok, no 3D, but still nice and soft flights. On the "cheap" 2500mA packs, I get 7-8 minutes flighttime. I like the idea of getting more then 7 minutes, under that, you get abit stressed for every flight. So, if you calculate the flight costs, and that you could use the same flightpacks on your TREX for example, you get a very economical setup. The hurricane is light, very light, which will make the sensus of longer AND more powerfull flights.

Even if the Hurricane 550 is a new model, i don´t see that is has the same issues as the Swift or TREX 600 when they first came out. The Swift is currently version 3 or 4 on some parts, the TREX 600...I cant keep count.

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