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Vecchio 03 marzo 07, 22:42   #9 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di lesath82
Data registr.: 22-04-2005
Residenza: profondo sud... ...di Milano!
Messaggi: 1.633
Originalmente inviato da hurricane01
Ah ah !! Basta che clicchi sulla bandierina inglese in basso a sinistra e accedi alla versione inglese della stessa pagina!! Comunque grazie, io non l'avevo trovata, posto qui quello che dice:

Reflex XTR 5.03 CD version or later is running perfectly nice in a Vista environment. Earlier versions run nicely as well but the installer ist't Vista prepared. If you don't want to use a 5.03 CD version, please install Reflex on an XP computer and copy the directory c:\progam files\reflex to your Vista PC using an network or a memory stick. In Vista you have to be administrator to set read/write rights to all users for the Reflex directory. Without a working installer, you have to make your own shortcuts to the desktop or to your task bar.
"The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Force" (Darth Vader)
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