Discussione: che radio comprare
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Vecchio 26 febbraio 05, 00:10   #1 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 01-02-2005
Messaggi: 48
vorrei comprare una radio per usare per ely però non so quale scegliere ho provato a mandare un email ad helihobby e ho avuto una risposta tradotta con da me con un traduttore on line (no speak english) e non ciò capito una mazza, allora chiedo a voi quale è meglio secondo voi fra questi 2 modelli?

1) Hitec 6 Channel Transmitter, Charger, Crystal
All Micro Helis
Laser 6 loaded with features like Elevon and V-tail Mixing & Dual Rates. Excellent choice for a feature-packed TX.

Elevon and V-tail mixing
EPA on Channel 3
6 channel FM transmitter
All channel servo reversing
ATV on ch. 1 and 2
Ch. 1 & 2 Elevon mixing
Ch. 2 & 4 V-tail mixing
Ch. 1 & 2 Elevon mixing
5 LED power meter
Trainer Capable
Ergonomic case

2)Hitec Optic 6 Transmitter ( Standalone or with Servos / RX)
All Helis

The Optic 6 FM/Q-PCM six channel computer aircraft and Helicopter radio system is available with power plane, sailplane, Heli programming, and an 8 model memory. This sophisticated computer radio offers great features like assignable switches, throttle lock, dual timer, and two slider switches. With a shift select function and Spectra synthesized capability, the new Optic 6 is one of the most flexible six channel systems available. It is a powerful yet economic radio system which is available as a standalone unit or with complete servos and receiver.

- 6 channel, FM / Q-PCM,
- 8 Model Memory and Spectra compatible available
- Digital trims as well as Model name
- Dual timer, Switch Assignability
- EPA, Dual rates, Exponential, Fail safe
- Throttle lock and Engine Cut
- Three flight modes
- 2 open mixes
- Gyro gain
- Throttle curves and Pitch Curves
- Revo mix
- CCPM mixing and CROW Mixing
- Camber and Reflex

System is available in:
- Standalone Unit: Hitec Optic 6 FM TX with Spectra Module
- Complete: Hitec Optic 6 FM TX with 4 HS-325HB servis and a 8ch RX

volevo sapere
se sono tutti e 2 digitali
se qualcuno sa per noi italiani arriva con le frequenze consetite
e se a quanto ho capito ( hitec) arriva coi servi e l'altro?....
vi metto anche le foto
io lo userei esclusivamente per ely elettrici thank
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