Discussione: Radio Futaba T6XHS
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Vecchio 25 febbraio 05, 10:55   #1 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 29-01-2005
Messaggi: 276
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Informazioni generiche

CCPM Mixing and several swashplate modes
Switchable and Variable Rate channels add versatility
Hovering pitch and throttle
Revolution mixing
Swash plate type selection
Rudder offset
variable rate also offers proportional channel adjusting,
128-segment LCD display provides better resolution
PPM/PCM feature allows modelers to use either FM or PCM Futaba
mixing, dual rates, electronic trims with computer memory
ATV and servo reversing
Comes with four FP-S148 servos
Adjustable stick length and tension
Fail safe on all channels (For PCM only)
Two user-definable mixes
Trim memory
Manual includes clear, step by step programming instructions
Battery Pack for Receiver Include
Battery Charger Include
3 Way Switch Include
Aileron Extension Wire Include

Left stick Right stick
up/down left/right up/down left/right
Mode 1 elevator rudder throttle aileron
Mode 2 throttle rudder elevator aileron
Mode 3 elevator aileron throttle rudder
Mode 4 throttle aileron elevator rudder

Per entrare in questa funzione tenere premuto i due tasti "MODE" mentre si accende la radio, compare la funzione STCK, con + o - con cui si può impostare il MODE.

Con un tasto mode si passa alla funzione TREV, che prevede il reverse del comando del gas.

Tra poco posto le foto della modifica meccanica.

Il Consiglio

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