Vendo Flight Controller per quadricottero/esacottero
Usata, in perfette condizioni, possibilità di installarci MegapirateNG(registra anche i log di volo) oppure Multiwii
Potete aggiungere un gps e volare con i waypoint e volo automatico
Regalo compreso con la scheda il modulo bluetooth per configurare la scheda da smartphone!!
30 + 10 di spedizioni
Hardware Features:
·Supported MegaPirateNG /ArduCopterNG/ArduPlaneNG/MultiWii firmware
·8-axis motor output and 3 servos output for gimbal system
·8 input channels for standard receiver and PPM SUM input channel
·4 serial ports for debug/Bluetooth/OSD/GPS/telemetry module
·8 Analog port for Airspeed Sensor/Current & Voltage Sensor/LED controller
·User-defined pads D32~37 & PG1~PG5
·I2C 5V port for external device
·Output/USB ports provided over current protection
·Reverse polarity protection for input power
·Select jumper for choose internal or external magnetometer
·Onboard 16Mbit Dataflash chip for automatic datalogging
·ATMega 2560-16AU Microcontroller
·MPU6050 6-axis gyro/accel with Motion Processing Unit
·HMC5883L 3-axis digital magnetometer
·MS5611-01BA03 highprecision altimeter with metal cap
·FT232RQ USB-UART chip and Micro USB receptacle for uploading firmware and debug
·PCA9306DP1 logic level converter for I2C
·Match the standard of RoHS
Input power selection
·One of the following way
- Connect 5V power cable from ESC or UBEC to ESC/Servo port, the J1 jumper must be closed.
- Connect 5V power cable to the external power port, the J1 jumper must be removed.
·Dimension: 50mmX50mmX11.6mm
·Weight: 14.5g
·Fixing hole spacing: 45mm
·Hole diameter: 3.1mm
Nome: Marco
Cognome: Fanuntza
Città: Musei (CI) Sardegna
Nome: Marco
Cognome: Fanuntza
Città: Musei (CI) Sardegna