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Vecchio 14 febbraio 07, 10:16   #67 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 18-07-2006
Messaggi: 183
Originalmente inviato da nigel_uno
E questo è il regolatore Robbe dove viene specificato l'utilizzo ANCHE con servocomandi dichiarati a 4.8V
The robbe 6 Volt Limiter generates a stabilised
voltage of 5.7 Volts
from a 5-cell NC / NIMH or
2-cell LiPo battery.
The maximum continuous current is 5 A with
an NC / NIMH battery, or 3 A with a LiPo pack.
The peak load is considerably higher.
The advantage of the constant voltage supply
is that the power and speed of the servos
remains constant at all times, regardless of
battery voltage.
The Limiter also allows the use of servos
which are designed and approved only for use
with four NC/NiMH cells
dove lo si puo' comprare in italia??
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