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Vecchio 13 febbraio 07, 17:45   #62 (permalink)  Top
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Data registr.: 05-04-2006
Residenza: Roma, Italy
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....e questa è una FAQ specifica sui servocomandi Futaba, sempre dal sito di Scott Gray

I have a question about the voltage of your Reactor, is there a problem using it with Futaba 4.8V digital servos like S9252 and S9255? I think the voltage of 5.6V is very high for a 4.8V servo. I know a fully charged 4.8V batterie has about 5.6-5.7V, so this may be the same, but this voltage is normally only for a short time not for all the time like I would have with the Reactor.
Yes, most servos are rated at 4.8V because this is the voltage of standard 4 cell battery packs such as are included with all radio systems. In reality, as you noted, a charged standard pack will give 5.6 or more volts. This is safe for the servos. You may notice that other regulators run at even higher voltages such as 6.0V. Some people use 5 cell packs and at full charge the voltage can be very high. This is too high in my opinion and my experience.

I chose the 5.6V as a safe, but best performance voltage. The Reactor supplies this voltage perfectly constant up to the max amperage that servos can draw, so there is not voltage and current spikes and change in feel and performance during the flight. It is very noticeable the consistent feel the 5.6V gives the servos. 5.2V is also running to the RX and remaining servos such as gyro and throttle etc. This is a safer voltage for the high speed tail servos commonly used with today's gyros.
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