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Vecchio 20 novembre 14, 00:00   #30 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 14-06-2006
Messaggi: 11.751
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son sempre più convinto dei servi allora u.u 7950 per il timone e 7954 per tutto il resto a meno di cambi improvvisi qualche settimana e comincio a montare qualcosa
HS-20110524 HS-7940/7945/7950TH Jumping/Glitching
In some cases, when using the 7940/45/50's in applications that require a very long extension, they may randomly jump (glitch) when powered by 2S LiPo/Li-Ion batteries. Although this may occur with many systems, it is most commonly found when using JR/Spektrum type RX's, especially the Power Safe versions. We have discovered that due to the resistance in long extension wires, the signal voltage drops, thus causing the issue. We recommend that only high-quality, twisted, 22-guage, high strand count, gold connector extensions be used. In the event that this does not resolve the problem, there are a few options. The use of a signal line booster like that made by Spektrum, and soon to be available by Hitec, resolves the issue in almost all cases. Another option is to solder a .22 tantalum capacitor between +/- on the extension. These solutions are typically only needed when using Li-Po/Li-Ion batteries to lower the voltage below 7 volts and is not needed when using 5-cell NiCd/NiMH or LiFe batteries.
We are aware that these are high voltage servos designed to operate at the maximum voltage allowed for maximum performance. However, to accommodate some radio systems, steps may be required to assure the above issue will not occur. Hitec apologizes for any inconvenience this may cause and is working on a series of new Ultra Heavy Duty extensions (with and without boosters) that will resolve this issue.

HS-20100520 HS-79XX Series Servo - Minimal Load Jitter
Applies to HS-7965/7985/7955/7954/7940/7950 servos
Customers have noticed that these high resolution servos have a tendency to jitter when using 7.4 volt power packs and a minimal load is applied. This is due to the high resolution circuit adjusting for slight position variances in the gear teeth. This usually only occurs with minimal loads, for example, when the plane is on the ground in a static position. Once airborne the servo experiences flying loads and the issue resolves itself and should not impact on the flying experience.

Buon divertimento.....
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