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Vecchio 03 ottobre 14, 21:37   #2348 (permalink)  Top
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Data registr.: 24-12-2007
Residenza: Cagliari
Messaggi: 1.386
Immagini: 1
non sapevo dell'esistenza di questo prototipo FW190V27 con ala lunga e "naso" corto...
12.3 m e 20.3 mq anzichè 10,5 m e 18.3 mq

Some data from the 'Die Focke-Wulf Hoehenjaeger' book (compared are both the standard Fw-190A-3, lighter version of it, and a same light fighter, but with big wings) :
- max G is down to 6 (big wing), vs. 6.93 for the standard and 'circa 7.15' for the lightweight
- service ceiling is up to 12500 m, vs. 11800 for the standard and 12000 for the lightweight
- turn radius is down to 950 m, vs. 1450 and 1250 m for the st. and the light
- speed* was to be 680-685 km/h at 7 km on Notleistung, ~667 km/h at 6.6 km on Kampfleistung
- RoC* at 10 km/h was to be 4 m/s, at 6 km = 13 m/s, time to 8 km = 10 min (all on Kampfleistung; no data for Notleistung)

Weights are 3850 (A-3), 3660 (lightweight, ie. only 2 cannons, plenty of protection removed) and 3700 kg (lightweight with big wing)
io ci metto la faccia...
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