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Data registr.: 12-01-2007
Residenza: Milano
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VENDO Great Planes Super Sportster 40

Vendo per inutilizzo

Great Planes Super Sportster 40
pronto al volo (basta aggiungere pacco batterie e radio)
il modello viene venduto completo di doppio set di ali.

Stock Number: GPMA1042
Wingspan: 55.5 in (1410 mm)
Wing Area: 555 in² (35.8 dm²)
Weight: 4.75-5.0 lb (2.2-2.3 kg)
Wing Loading: 19.7-20.8 oz/ft² (59.7-62.9 g/dm²)
Fuselage Length: 46 in (1170 mm)
Engine Required: 2-stroke .40-.46 cu in or 4-stroke .52 cu in
Radio Required: 4-channel with 4 servos

a euro 120, ritiro a mano.

Matteo Campanella - Milano - 3356086471

Nome: Matteo

Cognome: Campanella

Città: Milano
Icone allegate
VENDO Great Planes Super Sportster 40-photo-1.jpg  
The Harder you Train The Luckier you Get
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