Discussione: Nuova Spektrum DX9
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Vecchio 18 dicembre 13, 12:16   #209 (permalink)  Top
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Data registr.: 08-04-2007
Residenza: Nuvolera (BS)
Messaggi: 3.888
Immagini: 1
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Pare che Spektrum abbia rilasciato l'aggiornamento AirWare 1.02 per la DX9 con la correzione di alcuni Bug e nuove opzioni audio.

Non ho ancora avuto tempo per verificare.

Inviato con Tapatalk

Version 1.02

Changes from Version 1.01

New Features & Improvements

• Added spoken telemetry warning reports for more devices.
• The BACK button is now enabled while downloading a sound file, allowing the process to be aborted. Note that you will lose spoken sounds if you do this, but most clicks and beeps will still function.
• Does not show hidden Mac files and directories in file lists.
• Added ability to create mixes to channels which were moved using the Channel Assignment feature.


• Imported DX18 files will now operate all mixes properly.
• Model warnings now import/export correctly.
• Pressing CLEAR on the transmitter low voltage alarm setpoint will now select the appropriate low voltage based on battery type.
• Prevents lock-ups when using Export All when “Unusable Models” were listed.
• Improved translations in several languages.
• Fixed import of Flight Mode sound options.
• Lock-ups during import, export and turning on to “blank screen” have been fixed.
• Import errors which corrupted the Flight Mode table have been fixed. These could also cause lock-ups in certain situations.
• Corrected position of receiver voltage display on status screen.
• Removed limitation that could occur when manually creating models right at the 100-model point.
• Corrected export error that made the DX9 unable to import files it created (released in 1.01A).

Audio Changes

• Added many new voice items, in particular related to multi-copters and photo/video.
• Trainer status changes are now reported when not in Master Override mode.
• Spoken and Tone inactivity alarm reports now function properly with vibrator
• Intermittent “Bind Failed” speech after proper binds is now corrected.
• Airspeed and current are now reported using the correct units and value.
• Reduced default volume for each category to 50% based on customer feedback.
• Maximum volume can be increased by using System Settings second screen.
• Improved speech and sounds for several languages. Please download the updated sound files from this link: Spektrum DX9 Support.
• Corrected speaking of numbers for French.
• PowerBox status reports are now speak the correct values.
• Expired timer volume now works off configured value.
"Quanto più ci innalziamo, tanto più piccoli sembriamo a quelli che non possono volare" (F. N.)
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