Discussione: Club Delfini Golosi
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Vecchio 16 dicembre 13, 10:03   #10882 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 13-02-2008
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qual'e' il vantaggio dei 140 gradi rispetto ai 120?
JR Vibe 50 3D Pro Helicopter Kit

In a 140 degree system, the front swash balls have been extended so that the distance between the center of the ball to the center of the main shaft is identical AND the distance between the center of the balls and the fore/aft tilt axis (Distance A and Distance are identical. Now the aileron balls are spaced approximately 138 degrees apart from the elevator ball, so they rounded it off to 140 degree CCPM. When an elevator command is given all three servos move the same distance and you don't get any interaction.

In teoria.

Poi in pratica non so quanti siano in grado di accorgersi di tale vantaggio.
Anzi, magari siamo così abituati ai 120° che ci creerebbe problemi.

Poi ci sono i 90°, ma quelli, ormai non più applicati al mondo degli eli, sposterebbero il thread in area politica...

Altra spiegazione:

Fundamentally, the servo operations of H-3 type are almost that same as HR3 type. However, the servo arrangement for elevator operation differs. 140 degree CCPM offers smoother operation of the combined servos and an equal cyclic rate all around. On a 120 degree setup, the left/right cyclic is slightly faster than the fore/aft cyclic.
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