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14 dicembre 13, 13:21
Data registr.: 17-01-2005
Residenza: Arce, Frosinone, Lazio, Italia
Messaggi: 679
ecco i miei freschi freschi! 2°
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RC International
valid until 28 12, 2013
Control Surface Throw Gauge (EU Warehouse)
Save US$: 1.87
ASP 180AR Two Stroke Glow Engine (EU Warehouse)
Save US$: 208.95
5.5mm Bullet Connector to T-Connector Battery Adapter (2pcs/bag) (EU warehouse)
Save US$: 1.19
Turnigy nano-tech 3000mAh 2S2P 20~40C Lipo Receiver Pack (EU warehouse)
Save US$: 2.51
Turnigy nano-tech 2200mah 3S 45~90C Lipo Pack (EU warehouse)
Save US$: 1.34
Turnigy nano-tech 2000mAh 2S1P 20~40C Lipo Receiver Pack (EU warehouse)
Save US$: 1.68
Turnigy 2200mAh 3S 40C Lipo Pack (EU warehouse)
Save US$: 3.17
Parallel charging Board for 6 packs 2~6S (T Connector) (NL Warehouse)
Save US$: 2.31
XT60 to T-Connector Battery Adapter Lead (2pc) (EU warehouse)
Save US$: 0.94
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