Discussione: il mio primo Brushless
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Vecchio 02 gennaio 07, 15:51   #4 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di ron_van_sommeren
Data registr.: 26-12-2003
Residenza: near Nijmegen, the Netherlands
Messaggi: 512
Nice job. But ... next time use thicker wire or wind 2-3 wires in parallel. Better for efficiency, lower temperature.

Checks and tests in the first message of this motor builders tips and tricks thread. The checks and tests may save you from frying your controller or motor. Thread is active, bookmark it for future reference and subscribe to it:
http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?t=240993 (sticky thread, at top of subforum)

Higher efficiency does not only mean that the motor makes better use of the batteries' power, it also means the motor is able to handle a higher power input before hitting its maximum temperature mark i.e. a the power/weight ratio will be higher.
An example:
Say the motor has an efficiency of 70% and it can handle 50Watt input. That means it can get rid off 30%*50=15Watt excess heat. Now, by cramming in thicker wire (and/or using better stator-iron, segmented magnets), efficiency increases to say 75% (I'm a bit optimistic here). The motor's ability to loose those 15Watts has not changed (by radiation, convection and conduction). This means the motor now can handle 60Watt before it hits the 15Watt (25%*60Watt) losses mark. An efficiency increase of 5% gives an increase in the power to weight ratio of 20% (from 50Watt to 60Watt). That's why efficiency plays such an important role, in any motor design: efficiency governs maximum power.
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