Discussione: Nuove radio frsky
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Vecchio 14 novembre 13, 17:14   #5800 (permalink)  Top
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Data registr.: 04-08-2013
Residenza: Trieste
Messaggi: 2.563
Ma questa la sapevate?

"Please note Taranis is heavily backordered around the world and has gone through a lot of teething problems in the first batch to the point where the motherboard has been redesigned with a new Audio Amp and new Charge circuit. FrSKY has told us around the week of November 11th now for our production stock to start shipping. All our stock will be series 2 Taranis with the new Gimbals and new motherboards, and all the software bugs and updates applied.

I know many of you are waiting on this radio and I believe you will all be happy that I have waited for FrSKY to sort all the issues with the early batch and not just grab anything on offer to ship out. All orders placed and pre-paid in August-September should be sorted and shipped to you by end of November, and orders placed from October on are being put into a queue but not processed until we are assured of the next shipment being on the way."

Problemi di dentizione???

Ultima modifica di pieri70 : 14 novembre 13 alle ore 17:18
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