Originalmente inviato da Hell 13 Come è già stato detto il Funcub Multiplex è ottimo per il volo in zone brade senza tanti pensieri.. guardate un po' cosa ha deciso di fare questo collega oltreoceano dopo averlo rotto.. Stupenda l'idea per la struttura a tubi.. ma mi aiutate a capire meglio? ha legato tubicini di carbonio e listelli in legno con?
"The longerons and uprights are carbon fiber tube and the diagonals are wood dowel. I fitted the joints as close as possible (they got better as I went along) and tac glued them with medium CA. I then took a piece of carbon fiber tow and tacked one end to the joint (laying down) and once it kicked off, I tightly wrapped the joint with the CF tow and wetted it out with thin CA. you can put a sandwitch bag over joint and smooth it out and get the fibers to lay down before the CA sets up.
I know you all probably already know this but I've got to say it - Please use a dust mask when cutting, grinding, or sanding on the carbon fiber as it's pretty nasty stuff and definitely not healthy to inhale the dust!!! "
...legatura con filamenti di fibra di carbonio imbevuti con ciano acrilato...