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Data registr.: 09-07-2011
Residenza: Mongardino d'Asti
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Probabilmente non è il thread adeguato, ma non volendo rispolverarne uno vecchio posto, per chi possa essere interessato, la prova delle lipo Scorpion a cura di Gerd Giese ( In allegato trovate la prova completa di diagrammi e descrizioni.

le conclusioni:
"The first extrapolation from the standard load diagram is conclusive and further experiments confirmed: The Scorpion Competition PowerPack + 65C LiPo corresponds to the entire behavior of a maximum of 45C cell. Thus, the masculine appearance 65C + has escaped the air, so that this type LiPo, like all other non taught us otherwise. But still: "Real" 45C cells are rare. This rush of adrenaline, the user will notice and - once experienced - do not want to miss"
Files allegati
Tipo file: pdf HA-0513-Scorpion-6s-LiPo.pdf‎ (594,1 KB, 89 visite)
Henseleit TDR; Synergy E7; Hirobo EMBLA.
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