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Vecchio 30 luglio 13, 09:43   #6842 (permalink)  Top
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Data registr.: 07-08-2010
Residenza: Roma
Messaggi: 2.472
Originalmente inviato da bandit Visualizza messaggio
ahaha nessuno risponde ... non ci avete capito una mazza vero?

How to determine your AR7200BX version numbers:
Turn on your TX, hit TH HOLD, and power up your heli.
Notice which A-N lights stay on in the first few seconds right after all the lights are on. My case: A and B. This tells you "X" and "Y" of firmware version number XYZ (explained below).
Press the setup button anytime during initialization (LEDs are cycling) -> should see the status led flashing purple. This is "Z" of the firmware version. My case: All LEDs are off.
Press setup again -> blue flashing status. This is the "X" and "Y" of the unit's data version (whatever that is). There is no "Z". In my case I had
Press setup again -> status goes out. This is the unit's hardware version (X and Y, no Z).
Press setup one last time to exit version display mode. The unit goes into its normal init routine.
How to interpret this: The two A-N LED columns are treated as two binary numbers, where A and H are the least significant bits. That means my step 2 above gives me X: GFEDCBA: 000 0011, and Y: MMLKJIH: 000 0000, or "3 0" in decimal, i.e., the major firmware version number of my unit is "3.0". Step 3 above gives me Z (the minor version), which uses all 14 A-N LEDs, in my case: all zeros. This gives me the final firmware version of "3.0.0". (Side note: It was shortsighted of the BeastX engineers to use 14 bits for the minor version number because it limits them to 16,384 revisions within a release.)
Bandito stavo facendo una ricerca nel web perché non so come vedere la versione del mio beast x AR7200BX. Vorrei aggiornarlo (vedi problemi coda MP) ma manco so che versione è...tu sei riuscito a capirlo? Vogliamo fare l'aggiornamento firmware?
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