Originalmente inviato da bandit come al solito sei prevenuto su HK ... The best blades IMHO for either FBL or FB are the stock sets, then the Aligns, then Edge FB's. SAB's are pretty good too but I'm much more partial the first three I mentioned. However, the best in history that I liked were the old "rainbow" blades made by Fun-key (they were an ugly yellow color with a blue strip on one and a red stripe on the other, but damn did they fly nice!!!!). I think they stopped making them a while ago but they're pretty much the same as the ones they use in the stretch kits. Honorable mention definitely goes to the HK Z-weave blades. I got to fly a set as night blades and they were surprisingly responsive and sharp for how cheap they are. I only flew the one pair, but it was back-to-back-to-to-back with the Stockers, Edge and SAB's. Plus they looked pretty nice in the daylight. |
Beh, come sai una rondine non fa primavera
questo è il giudizio di uno...magari le dai pure a me dopo che ho sempre volato con pale di legno e la prima volta che le uso te le osanno come the best in the world