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Vecchio 19 giugno 13, 16:35   #4 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di atomas72
Data registr.: 16-04-2007
Messaggi: 3.445
Da una semplice ricerca in rete ho trovato quanto segue:

"P-Gain is the proportional gain.
Speed deviations are adjusted harder or softer accordingly. In practice, the strength
of readjustment (-Soft / + harder) for smaller models below 1m rotor diameter, should
be a max value of 1, with larger diameters up to a maximum where a wrong value is
reflected in a pulsating tail.
I-Gain is the integral gain.
Constant speed deviations are accordingly corrected faster or slower. This is
important in the Context of the P ratio: a P-controller is fast, but cannot in principle
fully restore the target speed as it is precisely because of this deviation that the
control action works.
The I -controller notes this (small) difference and regulates this in full from its
Both parameters are usually changed simultaneously. If the P component is
increased you should generally also increase the I-component slightly, and vice
versa. Settings too high lead to a fluctuation in control, usually in interaction with
the tail. You then get an extremely unsteady or oscillating tail, which can lead to
uncontrollability! Therefore, all settings should take place in moderation and in small
By re-selecting one of the governor modes the values are reset to the factory
supplied parameters again."

In sintesi il documento consiglia di portare il valore del P-Gain massimo a "1" per elicotteri con rotore inferiore al metro e l'I-gain deve seguire la modifica del P-gain.
Alternativamente puoi seguire la procedura per gli elicotteri più grandi e alzare i due valori finchè non avrai una coda "scattosa". A quel punto lasci i valori inseriti nello step precedente.
"C'è una forza motrice più forte del vapore, dell'elettricità e dell'energia atomica: la volontà."

Albert Einstein
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