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A chi puo' interessare:

I servi savox SH263, contrariamente a quanto scrive Beastx sul sito, possono essere settati felicemente a 200hz.

Di seguito il carteggio con Savox:

Yes, please set up with 200HZ. It will be better and it will have better feedback.

Best Regard,

Ethan Tsai

Tricore Corporation- SAVOX
No.545, Sec.3, Chang Yun Road, Hwa Tang Township,
Chang Hwa County, Taiwan R.O.C

Skype: ethan.savox
Tel: +886-4-712-7899#615
Fax: +886-4-712-7199
Cell: +886-921-362-570

寄件者: Luigi Astorri
日期: 2013年4月24日 上午 07:49
主旨: Sh263 and Beastx

Dear all,
What is the correct frequency I have to set in my beastx 3.0.12 for
the cyclic servoes sh263 ? The beastx site states 65hz but somebody
use these at 200hz...

Thank you in advance
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