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Vecchio 17 aprile 13, 10:56   #745 (permalink)  Top
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Data registr.: 12-02-2012
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Messaggi: 2.391
Originalmente inviato da petersummit Visualizza messaggio
ma non ha gli ammortizzatori regolabili??(l'mt4g3)
basta usare questi

cmq su 1 dei forum più popolati dal tt ho trovato qualche piccolo accorgimento per aumentare il vano batterie

eah WT, the 5S fits like a glove in there as long as you remove that annoying little bit of plastic in the back of the battery tray. Here is a pic of what I mean.

Remove that with a dremel. Takes about a minute to do and the 5s pack fits with ease after that (as does the 4S 5000 Turnigy pack as well).

Even had the room for the thin bit of foam padding in the back.

Also you will have to trim the top beck around where the wires exit. Easy as with either a hobby knife of the dremel.

Even have a little bit of room in there for a piece of foam padding along the side of the battery. With the 4S packs I run two bits of foam, one on either side.


And there you have it. Fits like a glove and you're right. I also think that 5S is the sweet spot for this truck.
per passare da 138mm alla bellezza di .... 145mm.... che ne pensate?
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