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Vecchio 20 marzo 13, 09:00   #1827 (permalink)  Top
Gran Decapo
L'avatar di Ehstìkatzi
Data registr.: 18-03-2007
Messaggi: 14.605
Originalmente inviato da ChukyChez1 Visualizza messaggio
I only speak English. I couldn't find an e-mail address to submit plans to your site. I have the missing pages to the Douglas DC-3, in your forum. I also have new plans from Mechanics Illustrated of the DC-3. I have quite a large collection of model A/C plans for gas or electric. I can get a translation of Italian for the forum, but not e-mail. I am a frequent contributor to outerzone.uk
You better start a new thread in this section.
Don't worry about captions, post both your original and Google translation directly into the message as I do.
My images are uploaded on Postimage or Imageshack and then the link is copied into the message with the relative command.
Looking forward to see your plans.

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