Swashplate Tail
Frequency Center-Position
Pulse-Length Frequency
Color Hz Color µs Color Hz
Savox SB-2271SG blue 200 Hz blue 1520 µs blue flashing 333 Hz
SB-2272MG blue 200 Hz blue 1520 µs blue flashing 333 Hz
SC-1251MG blue 200 Hz blue 1520 µs red flashing 165 Hz
SC-1257TG blue 200 Hz blue 1520 µs blue flashing 333 Hz
SC-1258TG blue 200 Hz blue 1520 µs red flashing 165 Hz
SH-0253 red flashing 65 Hz blue 1520 µs purple 50 Hz
SH-0254 red flashing 65 Hz blue 1520 µs purple 50 Hz
SH-0257MG blue 200 Hz blue 1520 µs red 270 Hz
SH-0261 red flashing 65 Hz blue 1520 µs purple 50 Hz
SH-0263 red flashing 65 Hz blue 1520 µs purple 50 Hz
SH-1250MG blue 200 Hz blue 1520 µs red flashing 165 Hz
SH-1257MG blue 200 Hz blue 1520 µs blue flashing 333 Hz
SH-1290MG blue 200 Hz blue 1520 µs blue flashing 333 Hz
SH-1350 blue 200 Hz blue 1520 µs red flashing 165 Hz
SH-1357 blue 200 Hz blue 1520 µs blue flashing 333 Hz
Ho messo questi
Per il piatto: SH.262 red flashing 65 Hz
Per la coda: SH.264 blue 1520 µs purple 50 Hz
Questo è l'esc flashato con Biheli,il governor funziona veramente bene.L'ely l'ho
rimesso a posto ma non mi fido mica tanto se mi si schianta ancora non ho più ricambi
forse è meglio che lo provo con le pale in legno
Plush 40A Brushless Speed Controller
The Plush series ESC are a very good quality controller. They have a broad range of programming features and a smooth throttle response compared to other BESCs in the same price range.
This BESC can handle 3A continuous current which is great for larger planes with bigger servos.
Cont Current: 40A
Burst Current: 55A
BEC Mode: Linear
BEC : 5v / 3A
Lipo Cells: 2-6
NiMH : 5-18
Weight: 33g
Size: 55x28x13mm
"E rifai i limiti meccanici sulnbeastx.. gli hai rifatti dopo aver cambiato i servi vero??!"
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