Discussione: Filo a caldo
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Vecchio 15 novembre 06, 09:58   #148 (permalink)  Top
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Data registr.: 21-09-2005
Residenza: Genova
Messaggi: 871
Originalmente inviato da angelo.p
durante le ricerche è saltato fuori quest'altro indirizzo:

The power supply was a computer power supply which can produce high power at 5 or 12V and is cheaply available secondhand ($5-$10 - look at ebay, secondhand computer stores, computer recyclers or maybe markets or garage sales). Last weekend I saw whole pentium 100 computers for $5 at a school garage sale...). You just use the yellow and black wires in the power connectors (black is ground, red is 5V, yellow is 12V). Some power supplies may need a small load on the 5V rail for them to work. In that case you'd need to connect some resistors between the red & black wires so that it draws maybe 1-5W - do the calculations and buy a few 1watt resistors from an electronics shop (okay 5V at 1 amp is 5W so 5 ohms of resistance would do that - more of the nichrome wire could be used. For 1W, you want 25ohms)


Non sta dicendo che devi collegare i 12 con i 5 ma di usare i 12V, solo che certi alimentatori per funzionare devono sentire anche un carico sui 5V, per questo suggerisce di mettere una resistenza sul tra il filo giallo e la massa (5V) in modo da fargli sentire almeno 1-5W... poi spiega che potresti usare un pezzo di filo al NiCr

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