Discussione: Spektrum DX18
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Vecchio 01 marzo 13, 11:11   #421 (permalink)  Top
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Data registr.: 21-07-2006
Residenza: Ferrara - Molinella
Messaggi: 3.526
dal manuale

"Antenna fades – represent the loss of a bit of information on that specific antenna. Typically it’s normal to have as many as 50 – 100 antenna fades on any one of the antennas during a flight. If any single antenna experiences over 500 fades in a single flight, the antenna should be repositioned in the aircraft to optimize the RF link.

Frame Loss – represents simultaneous antenna fades on all attached receivers. If the RF link is performing optimally, frame losses per flight should be less than 20.

Hold – a hold occurs when 45 contiguous (one right after the other) frame losses occur. This takes about one second. If a hold occurs during flight, it’s important to re-evaluate the system, moving the antennas to different locations and/or checking to be sure the transmitter and receivers are working correctly. "
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