Discussione: club Walkera 1#A
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Vecchio 24 gennaio 13, 21:39   #3063 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di zetabar
Data registr.: 21-09-2009
Residenza: Sardigliano (AL)
Messaggi: 650
Chiedo ulteriori delucidazioni su di un post che ho trovato su rcgroups di cui però non son riuscito a capire una cosa: il ragazzo che ha creato la discussione ha modificato la main gear con una di un altro modello ( hdx300) ma nn riesco a capire come. Dato che nella corona dentata è compresa anche la puleggia x la cinghia di coda come ha fatto ad adattare la modifica ? L'inglese lo mastico ma anche con google translate non son riuscito a capirci molto ...

I've had this helicopter for a few months now and have made a few aluminum modifications I'd like to share.First I poped the ball off my Micro Heli swash plate to my Blade Cp put it in a vise and very carefully drilled it to fit the 1#A main shaft.Next the HDX 300 boom is the same diameter as the 1#A so the aluminom servo clamps and anything else on the boom will fit the 1#A, like the tail case, I simply took the bearings out of the tail case to the 1#A drilled a hole the same size out of the HDX 300 aluminum case and put in the 1#A tail assembly. I also upraded to a one way bearing by using the HDX main gear and tail pully, simply drill out the tail pully gear and attach to shaft via the grub screws,the main gear already fits just slide it on.Also the since parts for this helicopter are hard to find I'm making a list of easy to get Walkera parts like the 22e landing gear, metal base plate and main blades are a direct fit as well as walkera 36 tail boom and tail case. I hope this helps anyone else flying this graet helicopter.
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