Discussione: Club Delfini Golosi
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Vecchio 18 gennaio 13, 01:41   #50 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di rugrug
Data registr.: 08-03-2010
Messaggi: 22.810
Originalmente inviato da Eli-Rhoss Visualizza messaggio
Rug la tua saggezza e la tua sapienza mi hanno appena dato un brutto colpo ...o forse è semplicemente misurare la lunghezza della mia sconfinata ignoranza in questo mondo
se la domanda è seria, e non l'ho capita male, mi spiace non aver potuto ritrovare e mettere con il post precedente un paio di begli articoli sulla storia e l'evoluzione dei Rex450 dagli esordi, perché sono stati rimossi

In sintesi il figlio del socio di maggioranza (o qualcosa del genere) della Align copiò un modello esistente apportando alcune modifiche, e nacque il primo Rex450, con testa plastic color grigio topo, piatto 90° non ccpm (H1), servi piatto con rinvii ...

Il mercato-target era ovviamente gli Usa: ebbe successo, ma come avviene ancora di più oggi un po' per tutti i modelli, molti clienti iniziarono a fare modifiche (upgrade) e di fatto alla Align non rimaneva che uscire via via con modelli aggiornati mettendo le cose che andavano meglio, fino ad arrivare al successone del SE V2 (mi hanno detto che non sono più riusciti a fare gli stessi numeri, né con il 450 Pro né con il 450 Sport)

Come nota finale, vorrei aggiungere che il primo modello diciamo "originale" e veramente "nuovo" è stato il 450 Pro, perché disegnato dai loro migliori piloti del tempo e grandi campioni (Krause, Kammerer, e un po' Szabo ... se non sbaglio), con lo scopo di creare un mezzo specifico per fare 3D, e ci sono riusciti

ah, per fortuna avevo copiato uno degli articoli (che si fermava al primo 450 Pro)

Align made an official V2 (Version 2) of the SE featuring several notable improvements. The new frame mounts the gyro underneath the tail boom for added protection, and includes a new, more powerful motor (430XL) and an improved electronic speed control. Additionally, the V2 features several updated parts including the rotor head, tail assembly, and servo mount. They added thrust bearings to the main grips and increased the spindle shaft to 4 mm thick. The anodizing is a deeper blue, and the frames are modified. Also came with the 430XL (3700 Kv) higher output motor and the 35X, 35 ampere ESC that supplies 6 volts to the electronics.
The final iteration of the 450 S series is the 450S GF version, which is an S with fiberglass frames instead of carbon fiber or aluminum.
In the spring of 2009, Align announced a complete redesign of the 450 based on input from their team pilots, notably Jason Krause. Named the Align T-Rex 450 Pro, almost every aspect of the helicopter has been redesigned. Most notably, the helicopter now uses a Torque Tube to power the rear rotor instead of the belt-driven design of the previous 450 series. The main rotor head has also been redesigned and parts are not interchangeable with the SE V2 series. For V2 owners who wish to approximate the Pro, Align has released a series of "V3 Parts" but has not announced an entire V3 helicopter.
The T-rex 450 series as a whole is a "park sized" helicopter that is suitable for flying in baseball fields, soccer, field and other parks. It uses fairly inexpensive 3S 2100 battery packs ($50–$80 per battery pack).

T-rex models:
450X - Original T-Rex model with grey (soft) plastic frames and short boom. Used mechanical mixing for cyclic and collective. 315 mm blades only.
450XL HDE - Upgraded X with longer boom to support 325 mm and 335 mm blades. Changed plastic to black, better plastic.
450XL CDE - Same as XL HDE but used electronic CCPM mixing for cyclic and collective control. Servos still actuated the swash via bell cranks.
450SE - Major change to direct servo to swash eCCPM mixing. Carbon fiber frames, CNC aluminum for the head parts, tail case, bearing blocks. The 430X motor was included.
450SA - ARF (95% assembled) version specific to Horizon Hobby. Fully assembled, with frames based on SE layout, but made of aluminum. Head parts, tail parts, and bearing blocks were plastic like the XL. The 430X motor was included.
450S - kit version of the SA with choice of carbon fiber or aluminum frames. Plastic head, tail and other parts. And now as the GF version with fiber glass frames. The 430X motor was included.
450SE V2 - the official V2. Changed the SE blue anodizing to a deeper, darker blue. Updated the rotor head to take a 4 mm spindle shaft and thrust bearings in the main grips. Changed the frame layout to change the battery tray angle and to mount the gyro under the boom block. The tail servo mount was changed to fit the mini servos that most people are using versus the older versions assuming micro servos. The 430XL motor was included.
450 Sport - parts from Align that improve on the design of the V2, based on the new 450 Pro. The 450 Sport, however does still utilize the V2 frame. The new 450M outrunner motor was included.
450 Pro. Tail rotor is now driven by a torque tube instead of a belt. Head was significantly modified, as well as the frame design. The new 450M outrunner motor was included.
il Limbo è peggio dell' Inferno perché non ha porte né scale per il Paradiso // la mia moto va a benza, il mio eli a lipo, io a metafore... e para-dossi. E presto anche a lama da taglio
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