Discussione: Club Gaui X5
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Vecchio 11 novembre 12, 10:23   #1660 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di AlexBooo
Data registr.: 27-02-2012
Residenza: Roma
Messaggi: 4.698
Originalmente inviato da pala.lberto Visualizza messaggio
Riconosce anche il 100% di motore?
Cioe si accende al 100%di motore?
After power on, motor does not work, such an alert tone is emitted:
“Beep-, Beep-, Beep-” (Every “Beep-”
has a time interval of about 0.25 second)
The throttle stick is not in the bottom (lowest) position
Move the throttle stick to bottom position
Set the throttle trimmer to neutral or even lower.
After power on, motor does not work, a special tone “♪ ” is emitted after 2 “Beep” tones (Beep-Beep-)
Direction of the throttle channel is reversed, so the ESC has entered the program mode
Set the direction of throttle channel correctly (Please refer to the user manual of
your transmitter)
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