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Vecchio 29 agosto 12, 12:01   #974 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 30-04-2007
Residenza: Trento
Messaggi: 1.328
Originalmente inviato da atomas72 Visualizza messaggio
Messaggio per Corrado.

È possibile avere la lista delle migliorie del nuovo firmware e del nuovo software?

Mi permetto di risponderti io....... Ti riporto qui di seguito il post originale del progettista postato su HF. Ti inserisco anche il link perche' e' stato aggiornato con la procedura di RECOVERY in caso di problemi con l'aggiornamento firmware... c'é una immagine che non riesco a riportare qui......Notare come sia importante aggiornare PRIMA il software per il PC e solo in seguito quello del Brain e che entrambi necessitano di una connessione stabile alla rete......

Il link e': [UPDATE] Software 1.0.003 / Firmware 1.0.017 - HeliFreak

Il testo degli aggiornamenti e':
Software has been updated to 1.0.003, as usual just start the software with an internet connection and it will download it for you.

What's new :
- added link back on tail pitch and cyclic pre-compensation
- removed all signs in the textboxes (no validation errors anymore if you just change the value and keep the sign)
- added sensor and rpm values on both basic and advanced panels
- added tail dynamics in advanced => setup => input. The lower this value, the softer the tail will be, decrease it 5% by 5% to avoid breaking weak tail gears (only with firmware 1.0.017)
- added tail asymmetry in advanced => setup => tail. This helps having a symmetric tail (only with firmware 1.0.017).

Firmware 1.0.017 has been released.
It is preferable to update first the software then the firmware.
You need an internet connection for upgrading.
Go to "File" => "Upload new firmware ..."
The software will ask you to save your configuration before upgrading, it is advised but you will keep the configuration during firmware upgrade.
Of course, do not unplug, power off, or fart during the upgrade process.

What's new :
- fixed tail bounce
- fixed governor kick when sensor is parasited
- added tail dynamics and tail asymmetry
- changed accelerometer filtering for autolevel
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