Discussione: Progetti?
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Vecchio 13 gennaio 05, 10:48   #7 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 01-05-2004
Messaggi: 52
scusate l'inglese, ma è un messaggio ke avevo preparato per Gobrushless. Ki è interessato può comunque fare domande, prima o poi risponderò.
I am working about this plane. It is a semi-scaled model of the Carter Humminbird by ESOTEC Developments (http://www.esotec.co.nz/) completely self made. Here are some features:
(under)powered by two Graupner speed 400 geared 1/6
7X1700 mAh NiCd cells
two counterrotating props 39.5 cm variable pich
wing span: 100 cm
outer duct diameter 44.45 cm
total lenght: 101.4 cm
weight ≈ 1300 g
controls: ailerons, statorons, trottle engine, tail surfaces, prop pich.
Up to now I am usin it for road-runner test because of his low power, but I am projecting to realize two LRK 340-10-X 14 or 16 poles. I wonder if I it possible to use only one 20 mm stator and two contertournig rotors. Wires goes through the main carbon hub.
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