Discussione: Graupner Hott
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Vecchio 14 agosto 12, 20:34   #489 (permalink)  Top
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Non ho i dati sul carico max utile pertanto non posso risponderti, però con grandi amperaggi si potrebbero pilotare i servi collegandoli ad un bus alimentato separatamente e utilizzando la ricevente solo per il segnale; un po' lo stesso criterio usato quando si utilizza un esc con bec integrato ma questo non eroga corrente a sufficienza per la rx: si scollega il + e si alimenta il tutto separatamente.
grazie mi sono informato con Graupner mi dicono che una Gr32 Hott quindi 16 servi che ricordo è una ricevente dual può accettare 3 amp per canale ....vi sottopongo inoltre anche questa parte delle caratteristiche che mi pare interessante....relativamente al discorso di usare la rx come fosse una centralina

New receiver software for GR-32 3.80:
The servo current drain with the GR-32 is often underestimated.
It is essential to check that your power supply is up to the task by carrying out a comprehensive function and range check with the control surfaces placing a load on the servos.
The power supply must be designed to cope with the following peak load:
Peak current = stall current of all servos added together, multiplied by 2.
The peak currents are considerably lower in ONCE mode than in SAME mode.
The peak currents are slightly reduced with the new software.
The modes have been optimised in order to reduce the peak current.
Optimising ONCE mode:
Simultaneous output at 20 ms frame rate of:
Ch 1 + 4
Ch 2 + 5 + 13
Ch 3 + 8 + 14
Ch 6 + 7
Ch 9 + 10 + 15
Ch 11 + 12 + 16
The frame rate is now 20 ms, which means that all known servos and speed controllers will function with this setting.
Optimisation of SAME mode (frame rate 10 ms or 20 ms):
Previously the output of channels 1 - 7, 8 - 14 and 15 + 16 was simultaneous.
The output of the following channels is now simultaneous, in order to reduce peak currents:
Channels 1 - 5
Channels 6 - 10
Channels 11 - 16
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