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Vecchio 30 giugno 12, 17:04   #595 (permalink)  Top
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Data registr.: 01-01-2009
Residenza: Padova(Mestrino) campo C.M.P.Trambacche
Messaggi: 1.761
Immagini: 1
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guarda cosa scrive un venditore statunitense

We tested one so we would know what we are selling to our customers and immediately had the extreme tail vibration. It is so bad and increases to the point that that it looks unsafe to continue any higher. At just above half stick the heli is bouncing around on the ground because of the vibration. Looking at it from our customers POV we felt that most of them would probably freak at this point and not try to push it and then return it to us. Unfortunately we will most likely pull our inventory and return it until this is officially addressed. Its simply not an acceptable characteristic.

mi sa che aspetto un po'. se devo pagare quei soldi che costa.. mi aspetto che anche va bene...
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