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Vecchio 06 giugno 12, 10:28   #203 (permalink)  Top
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Data registr.: 10-03-2010
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SiLabs BlHeli 4.0

E' stata rilasciata la versione 4.0 che per ora trovate sul github di Steffen.
Conviene aspettare che 4712 aggiorni BlHeliSetup per aggiornare, sarà sicuramente questione di poco.

Questo il changelog:

The changes are:
- Fixed bug that made tail tx program beeps very weak
- Added thermal protection feature
Hopefully this can prevent "melt-down" of XP 12A's
- Governor P and I gain ranges are extended up to 8.0x gain
To support greater variations in motors/helis.
Beware that too high gains can cause speed oscillations/control loop instability
- Startup sequence is aborted upon zero throttle
- Avoided voltage compensation function induced latency for tail when voltage compensation is not enabled
- Improved input signal frequency detection robustness

All the best
Se la protezione termica l'avessero inserita prima avrei ancora il mio XP-12A a superfet
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