In merito alla questione del peso, ho chiamato HK ed ho chiesto delucidazioni. Di seguto trovate la conversazione avuta con Ivy; da questo emerge un dato importante: quando fotografate il pacco, accertatevi di fotografarlo per intero, pena trovarvi con una velata contestazione che il pacco possa essere stato appoggiato ad una estremità per farlo pesare di meno!!!
Cmq, per poter fornire ad HK dei dati più precisi, posso chiedere a chi possiede una bilancia digitale (ed è in attesa di un pacco) di fare una foto completa sia dell'intero pacco che dei singoli pezzi ed indicarmi anche quali pesi HK dichiara per il pacco ed i singoli articoli?
You are now chatting with : Ivy (Customer Service)
Ivy: Thank you for contacting the HobbyKing Support Team. How may I help you?
You: HI,
I've a little question about the weight of parcel.
I've received many parcel and them weight allways less then expected.
In two cases, I've reached the weight limit (for example, 2.5Kg) and I cannot add other item to the order to not exceed it, but when the parcel arrives to me it weight only 2.2Kg, 300gr less then maximum.
I've ask to my fronds on an Italian forum and many other people said the same: "parcels from HK weight less then expected!"
Is there a specific reason for this?
You: EC: ...ask to my friends on an...
Ivy: the weight on website is include the weight of product and packing material, sometimes the weight of parcel also more then on website
You: "the weight on website is include the weight of product and packing material"
You: Yes, we know: on the product specific we can find both weight and the parcel wheigh is calculated using the "packaged" weight, but at last the final real weight is allways less then expected...
You: It is a damage for you, we often do not add items to an order to do not exceed teh maximum weight....
You: and its a damege for us, we have to limit orders...
Ivy: you can send us photos to show the weight with parcel if the weight is less then paid
You: Wait, I've sent it in early past. Let me found the ticket reference
You: see (mostra un peso di 1950 grammi)
Ivy: May I have your order number ?
Ivy: only this photos?
Ivy: the photo need to show the whole parcel
You: it was for order 2004387884 but only the Bixler was 1935 gr
Ivy: please tack more photos to show the whole parcel
You: I've not now, I've take the photo when teh parcel arrived but the parcel is not in my hand now (it was 15 days ago).
You: However, the weight of teh parcel is what you see and the parcel contains more item. I'm stating that the declared weight of items are not correct, so we cannot use all payed weight.
You: It is not a specific order problem, it is a "generic" problem, stated by more other people in Italy.
Ivy: pleas send your reuqest via e-mal, it will better to follow your case,
You: ok, I will do it with next parcels, so I will take detailed photo of the whole parcel and single items.
You: Thanks for your support and.... well back OnlineSupprt.
You: Bye
Ivy: thank you for your understanding