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Data registr.: 02-04-2012
Residenza: Trapani
Messaggi: 69
qui ci sono molte pubblicazioni da poter scaricare, aerodinamica, meccanica del volo, etc

Aeronautics Books | Engineering books

roba vecchia ma pur sempre valida..
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Aeronautics Books

A history of aeronautics
A treatise on airscrews
Aerodynamics - Aerodinamika
Aerodynamics - Piercy
Aerodynamics and flight dynamics of turbojet aircraft
Aeronautical engineering and airplane design
Aeroplane construction
Aeroplane construction and operation
Aeroplanes - Zerbe
Air navigation for flight officers
Air screws - Riach
Aircraft mechanics handbook
Aircraft navigation
Airplane characteristics
Airplane design and construction
Airships past and present
Applied aerodynamics - Bairstow
Applied aeronautics - The airplane
Artificial and natural flight
Aviation - Berriman
Aviation - Carmina
Aviation engines
Building and flying an aeroplane
Elementary aeronautics
Energy efficient engine
Flying machines - Practice and design
Flying machines today
Fundamentals of aviation and space technology
Fundamentals of aviation medicine
Harper's aircraft book
Helicopter aerodynamics
Helicopters calculation and design
How to build an aeroplane
Model aeroplanes and their motors
Monoplanes and biplanes
Practical aeronautics
Practical aviation
Practical flying
Problems of designing passenger aircraft
Soviet aircraft and rockets
Textbook of applied aeronautic engineering
The ABC of aviation
The aeroplane
The airplane engine
The airplane propeller
The art of aviation
The complete airman
The design of aeroplanes
The mechanical principles of the aeroplane
The physics of flight
The problem of flight
The second boys' book of model aeroplanes
The theory and practice model aeroplaning
Wind tunnels and their instrumentation
Wood in aircraft construction
Zeppelin - The story of a great achievement
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