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Discussione: Nuova Turnigy 9XR
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Vecchio 16 aprile 12, 23:54   #1 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di LONGFLYER
Data registr.: 06-09-2008
Messaggi: 11.388
Originalmente inviato da Robby Naish Visualizza messaggio
Ciao a tutti,

ormai dovrebbe mancare molto poco all'arrivo di quets anuova Radio.

Qui ricopio alcune info abbastanza attendibili

The 9XR is designed and built completely in-house (my back pocket reminds me of this every day).
It will use the atmega chip and can be flashed with your existing customised software. In fact, it comes standard with a similar rom to one you have mentioned.

We wont be sending out eval units because we have done alot of testing in house already and its unfair to make customers wait for further evaluations.


All our CE certs are genuine from Genuine testing companies.
Unfortunately competitors like to contest those certs by retesting and making comments to undermine their legitimacy.

Just to keep the critics quiet we will be using TUV to test.


The 9XR has a pin-out in the battery compartment for easier flashing without needing to unscrew the case.


Backlight is standard
Has inbuilt and module based antenna system
Button config makes sense
Spare parts avail from the start
Switch and pot quality far better than previous version.


The 9XR will be $50.00 and targeted at the standard user that likes flying, not fiddling with his radio or looking for a shady spot to see his LCD.
I like that radio and we're working on something similar (android based) but it wont have the takeup that the 9XR does.


[Q]Would be good if you could make them already flashed with the frsky 2.4 telementry already installed

[A]We're working with them on a module for the 9XR


No sliders, darn!
I guess we've got an addition for v2 already.


By Hobbyking Admin

module based with inbuilt 2.4 antenna plus options for FASST, DSMX & long range 433mhz plus it looks & feels much nicer.

By HK Twitter

In breve ho copiato tutto quello che hanno detto gli "interni" di HK, quindi non semplici rumors (almeno spero )


Dico la mia: sento odor di flop!
Credo che alla fine HK stia realizzando un clone plus della FlySky e che perciò risulterà arrivata tardi se davvero accadrà quello che immagino stiano facendo in casa Frsky

Vedete di non morire prima così, magari, vedremo assieme come va a finire ...
"If flying were the language of man,
soaring would be its poetry."
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