incollo di seguito una risposta di un anno fa su un thread analogo di Helifreak, in vui Stefan (MicroBeast) chiarisce molto bene la questione
Hi, you can send 60A over the interconnect then the PCB will start to burn. Typically it can handle 15 to 20 A and only getting sligtly warm. Of course this is like an electrical resistor and the voltage will drop the higher the current. At about 2-3A the voltage drop will be in the range of millivolts. The problem is not the power BUS/PCB. The problem is connecting your power source to the Microbeast unit as this is usually done with only two 0,25sqmm servo wires, AIL and ELE between Microbeast and receiver. These servo plugs only can handle a constant load of 2,5A each without nearly any resistance otherwise the voltage will drop very rapidly. So modern power servos (not especially HV servos, this also applies for example to JR8717 or ACE DS1015) take peaks of 5A what makes 15A peak for 3 swashplate servos and then additionaly you have the tail servo. If you do not supply these with a constant power supply this will lead to extreme voltage drop switching off receiver and Microbeast for a short time. So where should the servos get power from? You have 4 servos with 4 servo plugs pulling the maximum possible load so you should also feed in 4 servo plug style power lines. But there are only 3 ports left -SYS, AIL, ELE. Additionally the longer the power line is and the smaller the diameter of the power lines is the higher will be the loss of voltage from source to servo. Unless the Microbeast has no high power input (for example some DEANS connector at the side) like some receivers do, you should not connect such "extreme" servos directly to the unit. The problem especially with HV servos is that they will consum even more current as on 6V. But as said you can also get in trouble with "standard" servos. I heard that new Savox BLS HV servos will be very very power efficient (even better as Futaba BLS). Such servos can be plugged into the Microbeast directly without any problems
Per quanto ne so la centralina è rimasta uguale per componentistica elettronica e di certo un sw 3.xx non ha fatto aumentare le capacità conduttrici
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