Questo è il parere di un tizio che ha recuperato un R120 alla frutta e dopo avergli sostituito cuscinetti e fascia l'ha messo in moto e descrive:
"This example seems to vibrate a lot more than I would expect, it vibrated enough to have me reassembling my engine test stand a lot as the engine was running, it would cause all the screws to come loose on me. I was surprised with it turning a 15x8 Master Airscrew prop at a little over 10,000 RPMs though. Now the pic showing the low idle RPM below was taken just as the engine stalled out at around 2200 RPMs. I think the idle speed will improve a lot as the new piston ring gets seated real good."
trovi tutto qui:
RE: Club Enya
Dell'R120 ne hanno fatta anche una versione con pompa miscela ad ingranaggi.