Discussione: Club Blade 400-450
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Vecchio 16 gennaio 12, 09:22   #1657 (permalink)  Top
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Data registr.: 07-08-2010
Residenza: Roma
Messaggi: 2.472
Ancora sulla sostituzione del seesaw

Scusate se interrompo l'interessante confronto con il trex (soprattutto lo sport al quale faccio le poste già da un mese...) ma neanche a farlo apposta il guru del blade 450 ha affrontato da poco su healifreak il problema della sostituzione dei cuscinetti e del seesaw della flybar.
Il consiglio è quello di estrarli dalla testa con una chiave brugola ad L da 1.5 mm.
Per chi è pratico con le lingue, lo riporto integralmente e magari lo sbattiamo in Bibbia, insieme alla recensione tecnica di lastorri.
"With all the fuss I've seen on the forum lately one of the main question that keeps sticking out is:

How the hell do I get the seesaw bearings out of the head?

It's not that hard.

Simply find a L shaped small allen key that the end is not too sharp (I think it's a 1.5mm)

Put the head on a socket big enough that the bearing will fall inside of it, but the head can lay solid on it.

Insert the allen key in the hole besides the bearing and place it against the outer rim of the other bearing (inside the head). Gently tap on the allen key with something solid like a screwdriver or SMALL hammer. Just tap it SLOWLY to start removing the bearing.

Then take out the allen key and insert on the other side of the same bearing. Tap it a touch to take out the bearing further.

Take out the allen key again, and do the other side.

Keep going back and forth until the bearing comes out.

To remove the other, just take a bigger allen key that fits the entire bearing and tap on that one.

If you're gentle enough, the bearings should be ok as they come out. If they are notchy in any way, replace them.

Not to put it back, refer to the head assembly section of the Bible thread for the proper direction (CRITICAL) then once in place, simply put the bearing on a hard flat surface, and push the head onto the bearing, making sure it inserts itself in the seesaw. You MUST insert the seesaw first before installing the bearings".

Ecco il link
Flybar seesaw bearing removal instructions - HeliFreak
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