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Vecchio 12 gennaio 12, 13:38   #3411 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di leoroby
Data registr.: 17-06-2009
Residenza: Napoli
Messaggi: 2.048
Salve ragazzi oggi mi è arrivata una mail con scritto questo :

First of all, thank you for your order from Dynamic Model (Hobby King). Our company, SCS
Express International Limited is appointed to be the Courier Company to handle your shipment from
Dynamic Model. SCS are running daily courier flight to UK and all European shipments will be
arranged custom clearance in UK. Once all shipments were finished custom clearance in UK and
duties & vat charges were being paid. We will using UPS service to delivery your parcel to you by
door to door service.
We are glad to inform you that your parcel had arrived at our Europe hub at London Heathrow at
where your parcel has been cleared from UK Custom and is ready for dispatch to you. Your goods
had been cleared from UK Custom by bulk declaration under one consolidated shipment in order to
minimize the clearance costs.
The total sum of amount of GBP 52.13 which is inclusive of any duty and VAT charge if applicable.
( Attached file for the AWB copy and the receipt for your reference)

questo significa che devo pagare sull'account paypal che mi hanno inviato questi soldi per sdoganare il pacco e farmelo spedire? ci capisco poco di inglese e non vorrei fare danni con il traduttore! aspetto una vostra conferma e procedo con l'invio dei soldi
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