Discussione: GW Xieda 9958
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Vecchio 18 dicembre 11, 12:44   #1421 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 11-12-2011
Residenza: Treviso
Messaggi: 147
Piccolo OT, spero di interesse generale..
Mi lamentavo della lungaggine di MyRcMart nello spedire, come da suggerimento li ho contattati, tutto OK

Allego la loro risposta:

Hi Danilo

Your order was put on hold since your first question "May I ask, if customs decide to charge me with tax, are those to be payed when the pack arrives?".

Usually we will put an order *on hold* when the customer questions us because the customer might change his mind suddenly, order will be released when the customers replies us with no more problem / question. So we were just waiting for your response.

Your order is ready to post for a long time, would you still like us to post your order asap?


..si son fatti lo scrupolo di pensare che forse volevo recedere!!

Quoto la serietà, posto per evitare ad altri di incorrere in inconvenienti simili.
Xieda 9958, Turnigy 9x con opentx e FrSky ,Taranis finalmente!!!, HK450 ZYX fbl, Predator Gasser
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