Ho ricevuto questa risposta da rcgroups:
"Regarding question of Mode 1/Mode 2 change:
There are no sockets like that of the TRex TX...so you will have to take apart the TX to change from mode 1 to mode 2. The complexity of doing so varies between transmitters and since I have not taken mine apart I do not know if it's possible (as there are no servo reversing functions on this Tx).
I have not seen anyone sell the V911 in mode 1 before...looks like it's all mode 2 (throttle on the left)."
Mi sembra abbastanza eloquente, dovremmo essere sfortunati ad aver beccato l'unico che si è fatto arrivare i modelli in mode1..... mi sembra improbabile, ma come si dice:
"Se la Fortuna è cieca la Sfiga ci vede benissimo...."