Originalmente inviato da fai4602 Scusate scusate, ma il mio rincoglionimento pare progredire, non è il MEK che distrugge la pupilla bensì il MEKP, Metyl Ethyl Ketone Perosside
.......... MEKP is a strong irritant. Avoid swallowing and all contact with eyes and skin. Ingestion can be fatal! Discard contaminated clothing. Wash contaminated skin thoroughly with soap and water. If swallowed, take large quantities of milk or water and immediately call a physician. MEKP in the eye may result in irreversible blindness, even if flushed out with water! Flush the eyes immediately with water. SECONDS COUNT! Continue flushing for at least 30 minutes, and call a physician. Do not take chances with this chemical. Wear goggles, gloves, protective clothing, and a respirator, and be careful. We sell an Eyewash Bottle and recommend keeping one anywhere MEKP is used to provide instant first aid while one gets to a sink with running water. |
Ciao Tullio,
anche il Mek è pericoloso, checché ne dica la scheda tecnica, leggi sopra.