Originalmente inviato da atomas72 [...]Sul loro sito puoi già vedere che l'mcp-x bnf costa 169.99 dollari (149 in italia) e 119.99 dollari l'msr-x (quindi dovrebbe avere un prezzo stimato di 105 euro). [...] |
Una comoda tabella (fonte rcgroups) sull'offerta BnF / RTF Blade:
Model BNF RFT Difference What you get for the difference:
mCX $59.99 $79.99 $20 MLP4DSM 1 battery and 1 port charger BNF & RTF
mSR $99.99 $129.99 $30 same Tx 2 batteries and 4 port charger BNF & RTF
mSR X $119.99 $149.99 $30 MLP4DSM 1 battery and 1 port charger RTF only
mCP X $169.99 $169.99 $0 DX4e (free)
450 3D $299.99 $469.99 $169 DX6i, 1 battery, 1 port charger RTF only