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Vecchio 21 ottobre 11, 12:48   #1 (permalink)  Top
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Data registr.: 30-08-2011
Residenza: Torino
Messaggi: 2.479
acquisti hobby king - richiesta spese spedizione extra dopo 12gg

Ciao a tutti
ho acquistato da hobby king Germania 2 aerei e 3 pacchi batterie. dopo 12 giorni la merce non risultava ancora spedita (quando tempo prima ho acquistato da hobby king cina è stata spedita in 36 ore), e mi dicevano che era un problema dovuto al grande numero di ordini che dovevano evadere nonostante io avessi pagato la tariffa massima per avere il tutto al più presto. al 12° giorno mi dicono che se non tolgo degli oggetti non possono spedirmi la merce perché il loro sistema ha sbagliato i calcoli e quindi o pago altri soldi di spedizione, o non spediscono poichè adesso il pacco andrebbe diviso in 2 perchè voluminoso. Nel frattempo avrei potuto acquistare la merce da altre parti e non bloccare centinaia di euro in un ordine mai evaso. oltre 400 $ spedi in poche settimane, e mi bloccano un ordine per 16€ di spese. di seguito la conversazione un po' animata che mi ha fatto pure dimenticare la grammatica inglese: ho poi scoperto che non si dice respetc a contract, ma honour a contract

Thank you for contacting the HobbyKing Support Team. How may I help you?
good, morning. i want to know why you don't ship my order n° 2003344384.i've paid 12 days ago
We are sorry for keeping you waiting. Regarding the order, parcel box over-sized, advise to split into two shipments and it is waiting for additional postage $15.79 USD
are you asking me to pay more money? when i oredered i paid what you asked me, no on told me about additional cost
no you one told me i had to pay more money in 12 days
We are sorry for the inconvenience that is caused. Regarding the parcel, it is over size for the current shipping method, and we have to split it to two parcels so that the items can be posted.
refound me
Excuse me, you want to cancel the order and get refund?
or you ship my order without any additional cost (anyone in italy and not only will read our conversation in many forum),or please cancel my order and refound me
you can't ask me more money
We are sorry to hear that.
Regarding the parcel, you may sonsider removing the item so that the order cannot be posted to you.
i'm sorry to hear you asking more money after 12 days
In this case, there is no extra shipping fee for it.
what should i remove? usually internet shop are happy if i buy a lot of item, no one try to remove item from an order
if you have extra costs, change your sistem for calculating costs, we have a contract and you MUST respect it
We are sorry that for the order, you may try to remove one plane or split the order so that it can be posted.
if i split it, i pay double shipping costs, we have a contract, so respect it
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