Discussione: Prematura scomparsa
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Vecchio 30 settembre 11, 23:30   #248 (permalink)  Top
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Data registr.: 28-11-2009
Residenza: Palermo
Messaggi: 3.151
Dal manuale del FADEC di Gaspar Espiell:

RX errors Counter.
The FADEC detect a error on the signal received from the RX when this signal is absent or outside from the valid window programmed during the Radio setup. The standard on RC systems are that servos should receive 50 control pulses/second from the RX, and each pulse duration should be between 1000 and 2000 microsecond.
First line on this screen display the count of the pulses received that are shorter than the “STOP” signal or larger that “Full power” pulses received by the FADEC during the Radio setup.
Second line shows the duration of the wrong signal, and this include the time that no pulses have been received.

On PCM systems, the signal issued by the RX during a radio link failure depends of the programation of the PCM settings in your TX. If you program your PCM failsafe settings to “hold” or set the throttle position during failsafe in a valid position for the fadec (between STOP and FULL POWER) the fadec will not detect any radio problem, so it don’t will count any error. Our reccomendation is to program the failsafe of your TX to issue a signal to the throttle channel of less value than the STOP signal. I.e , if your STOP position is –100%, set the throttle failsafe to –125%. This will assure that the fadec will recognize a failsafe condition, record the time, and stop the engine after 2s if the radio link is not recovered. This last condition is obligatory in some countries and 100% reccomendable. Never fly your plane with the failsafe set to “hold”.

Diagnosis messages:

FailSafe: The engine has been shut down because of loss of the control signal from the transmitter. Once the Ecu detects a loss or invalid RC signal for over 0,5s, it sets engine power to idle, and if after another 1,5seconds a valid signal is still not received the engine is shut down.

Ovviamente, negli apparati radio, le procedure di emergenza in caso di perdita di segnale vengono svolte tra RX e servi e/o ECU/FADEC in quanto la scelta tra Hold e FailSafe viene salvata proprio nella RX.
Salvatore Ciambra - Palermo (Italy)
__________FAI 11105
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