Discussione: V-Bar versioni
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Vecchio 12 settembre 11, 19:52   #67 (permalink)  Top
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Data registr.: 09-07-2011
Residenza: Mongardino d'Asti
Messaggi: 1.878
Originalmente inviato da girellino Visualizza messaggio
non so cosa avranno migliorato in più rispetto alla 5.1.
Sul forum VStabi Rainer vetter scrive:
"some smaller ones like better safety features for startup (with sats or single line etc) to avoid hottstarts and some piro improvements."

Su Helifreak Fredrik Melin scrive:
"The difference is this, when you stir the cyclic stick in 5.1 while doing piro the Tail PreComp is active, so the gyro has to fight that and the elements, causing whipping effect.
(the more so the more you stir the cyclic)

In 5.2 Precomp is gradually removed the more you piro, so stirring that cyclic stick does not affect.

In Piro tictoc, Piro globes etc, it's quite a big improvement."

Queste sono le differenze tra 5.1 e 5.2, inoltre la 5.2 abilita il governor anche su mini VBar.
Henseleit TDR; Synergy E7; Hirobo EMBLA.
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