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Vecchio 19 luglio 11, 20:22   #9 (permalink)  Top
Rivenditore - My-RC
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Data registr.: 03-01-2006
Residenza: Canton Ticino
Messaggi: 806
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Ciao ragazzi,
confermo quanto deto da LONGFLYER.
Sono suoni di avviso sulla qualità del segnale. Unica accortezza è quando udite i tre beep che indicano che si sta raggiungendo la soglia massima della ricezione.

il manuale cita:
The two-way system has a feature to return the Received Signal Strength Indication (RSSI) of the receiver to the transmitter. The transmitter develops an internal voltage representing the receiver signal strength. Alarms are programmed in the transmitter to warn the pilot when the model is nearing maximum control range.
Note: It is normal to hear an intermittent, and not frequent, single beep as the model flies through signal fade points. Control will not be affected.

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